Advertising is a revenue generator on your site. The Ad Manager or Smart Ad module has many options to help you schedule, track, and populate ad spots automatically by uploading an ad and placing an element. The billboard ad element dynamically slides a feature ad spot and pushes the content down for presentation.
Billboard Ad
This ad element can be placed anywhere on the site.
element(adman,billboardad,billboard_example,Advertise Here,white,black,#ccc)$$
element(smartad,sa_billboardad,Content Ads,Sponsor Ad,white,black,#ccc)$Toggle the close x/Show Ad link to show and hide the ad.
The ad will slide per refresh, as the reader clicks through stories on your site.
- Fully integrated with Ad Manager and Smart Ad
- Rotate ads in the ad group
- Target the sliding ad to a particular section
- Customize title bar by color or display a logo
- This Featured ad feature gets reader attention
- can be used for promotion, subscription, breaking news coverage.
Best Practices:
- One element per page recommended.
- Run of site can be cumbersome, when use user is trying to purchase, or login.
- Intended for but not limited to the site body. Sidebar and header placement may have limitations.
- Upload an ad sized to fit full width, smaller ads will work but are not aesthetic.
- Ad element can be placed in the section and article templates.
Billboard Ad Element Break Down
$ element(smartad, sa_billboardad ,group_name,header_text_image, header_text_color,header_bg_color, ad_bg_color)$
$ element(adman,billboardad |
Ad_Group_Name |
Header Text/Image |
Text_Color |
Title_Bar_Color |
Ad_Background Color |
$ element(adman,billboardad | ,billboard_940 | ,Advertisement | ,white | ,black | ,#333 |
Element Name |
Ad Group Name Modules>> Ad Manager ![]() |
This is text that displays in the billboard ad's title bar. It can be the name of the advertiser, a generic name like Featured Ad, or even the Advertisers Logo. http://www.yourdomain |
Make the text which ever color you need Use the |
The background color of the title bar. Use the |
When an ad is smaller than full width, use this variable to fill in the background color of the billboard. |
Group Name
Ad Manager
Smart Ad
Header Text or Image
Header Text color
Header Background Color